
Jina drove to the mountains last weekend. There was heavy traffic on the way there, and the trip took 6 hours. When Jina drove home, there was no traffic and the trip only took 4 hours. If her average rate was 22 miles per hour faster on the trip home, how far away does Jina live from the mountains?Do not do any rounding.

Accepted Solution

Answer:   264 milesStep-by-step explanation:Using the relation ...   distance = speed · timewe can rearrange to get ...   speed = distance/timeWe can choose to let d represent the distance we want to find. Then Jina's speed going to the mountains is d/6. Her speed coming home is then d/6+22. It takes Jina 4 hours at that speed to cover the same distance, so we have ...   d = 4(d/6 +22)   d = 2/3d +88 . . . . eliminate parentheses   1/3d = 88 . . . . . . . subtract 2/3d   d = 264 . . . . . . . . . multiply by 3Jina lives 264 miles from the mountains.