
A planet rotates through one complete revolution every 22 hours. Since the axis of rotation is perpendicular to the equator, you can think of a person standing on the equator as standing on the edge of a disc that is rotating through one complete revolution every 22 hours. Find the angular velocity of a person standing on the equator.

Accepted Solution

Answer: ω=0.00454545… rad/s Step-by-step explanation:[tex]\\[/tex]Recall: Angular Velocity ω= 2π/T [tex]\\[/tex]T is the period and you must convert it to seconds [tex]\\[/tex]That is ,T = 22 x 3600 (60 seconds make 1 minute and 60 minutes make 1 hr) [tex]\\[/tex]T = 79,200 [tex]\\[/tex]Therefore: ω = 2π / 79,200 , where π = 180  [tex]\\[/tex]Substituting the value of T and π into the equation. [tex]\\[/tex]We have  [tex]\\[/tex]  ω = 2 x 180 / 79,200 [tex]\\[/tex] ω=0.00454545… rad/s